DigitalDeepak, Internship and Much More: 10 Marketing Tips I Learned From The First Class

Shubham Dongre
9 min readFeb 29, 2020


Digital Deepak, the name has so much power that you have landed up here to read what’s going in the digital marketing field. I welcome you on behalf of Deepak Kanakaraju aka DigitalDeepak.

But before I tell you what’s going on, let me ask you one thing first.

Have you done any digital marketing internship before? Does it have a good impact on you?

Not really?

You are missing out on a gem of an internship that is worth your penny. Yes, you read it right. I have joined the 2nd batch of DigitalDeepak internship. Attending his first class was the need of an hour. Deepak gave me the marketing gossips on his very first class of digital marketing internship. Who does this? It’s just the DigitalDeepak things.

Do you want to know what did we discuss?

Before I proceed ahead, let me tell you about DigitalDeepak and me.

Deepak Kanakaraju

Deepak Kanakaraju aka DigitalDeepak is a digital marketing author, speaker, blogger, last but not the least, a consultant. He is also a Co-Founder at one of the leading marketing agency known as PixelTrack, headquartered in Bangalore. Also, he is one of the top 5 digital marketers in India. His interest lies in digital marketing, biking, playing guitar, and travelling. His goal is to make 1 million digital marketers. And I am one of those million.

And what about me?

I, Shubham Dongre, an Instrumentation engineer graduate from Mumbai university. Currently working as a digital marketing associate in a small-sized digital marketing agency. I also work as a freelance content writer. I got to know about DigitalDeepak during my college days through my friend. And then, I started researching, joined his Facebook group when there were 70K members already, got his DM courses, started learning, and now I am his proud intern. My interest lies in startups, consulting businesses, riding a motorcycle, and travelling.

About DigitalDeepak Internship program

  • An internship where the minimum fee is required to join but you will not lose it.
  • Make money while you learn.
  • 167% ROI*
  • Working on live projects and assignments.
  • Q & A sessions for guidance.
  • Ideal for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, marketers.
  • Mentorship under DigitalDeepak.
  • Free extra courses from the DigitalDeepak team.

What am I going to learn?

All the 7 topics mentioned below takes on an average of 90 minutes for each class.

  1. Learn the marketing basics.
  2. Build a customer avatar.
  3. Copywriting and Sales pages.
  4. Build your own website in Wordpress.
  5. Lead generation and automation.
  6. Run Google and Facebook Ads.
  7. Advanced digital marketing.

Don’t you think I took the right decision by joining this internship program?

Of course, yes.

And that day was not far away from where my first class of the internship began. I am motivated to tell what my greatest learnings from DigitalDeepak’s first class are. And here it begins.

My first class of internship with DigitalDeepak

With little knowledge about marketing, I sat down in front of my laptop before 9 pm on 25th Feb, 2020. I logged in even before Deepak started the webinar. Yeah, I was too enthusiastic and pumped up for this class. We waited for all the members to join and it started with the first topic as -

  1. Writing down the goal
Setting your own goal

It all started with what everyone wants to achieve at the end of this program. Everyone had to note down their dream, be it improving communication skills, sales skills, digital marketing skills, get a job, start an agency, become a blogger, influencer, etc. I must say it was a bang on start.

2. Marketing Fundamentals

For a long time, marketing has been there since the give and take of the products or services began. Marketing was solely used as a purpose to brand one’s product. With the invention of new technologies, marketing has been at a great height. And in the era of the internet, digital marketing is a key to success. But just knowing how to automate, or just setting the ads will not make you a marketer. If you want to succeed in this marketing competition, one thing to remember is -

“Become a marketer rather than a digital marketer”

  • Marketing is all about understanding human behavior, how to communicate, understanding demand and many more.
  • Communication medium changes but marketing doesn’t.
  • Change marketing techniques according to audience response.

3. Finding the right market for your product (Finding the gold)

To succeed in this competition, finding gold is important. Not everyone is a master in finding it but once you have found out no one will stop you from becoming rich. But for that, you will have to go step by step.

  • Step into an ever-expanding market

Every problem needs a solution. And this will not stop the increase in market demand and thus marketing. Every solution to needs gives rise to new needs.

Market research

Let’s take the example of laptop service centers. Previously there was a need for a portable computer and solution for that is now a laptop. Going deep in this niche, the laptop started getting damaged and then there is again a need for servicing these laptops. Here creates one more solution to the need. Also, one more business started out of this is the manufacturing of laptop parts. And this chain continues to grow.

The market will never stop. People are always demanding and to cater to their needs there will always be the solution. Be an expert in a specific field. Try to create the number one presence in the market so that people will remember you for a long time. Second and third place in the market is just known to the people but people usually don’t buy it from them.

P.S. My goal is to earn 1 crore in 3 years (made commitment during the internship)

4. All about Economics (Bonus point)

Higher countries that are well developed had gone through recession several times. But that doesn’t stop the business in that particular country. The reason behind this is people will always pay for the value they will get. People will start taking a loan but that will create more money. As it is rightly said by Deepak, Debt creates money.

“The economy of the country goes up when the average age of the country goes up.”

India is the next big market to do business. India is developing and many people will start to spend more. Because of the cash reserve ratio, the economy will boost. People are taking more loans to fulfill their needs. And because of this debt, it is actually generating money. Credit card usages will give a more boost to the dept. But that’s fine, it is beneficial for the country.

5. Communication skills matter a lot

“Master the art of communication”

Improving Communication Skills

As previously mentioned, just knowing the tools for marketing will not help you to become a digital marketer. For that, one should know the marketing. And to be the best in marketing, learning the art of communication is the only way. Communicating your brand’s benefits through different mediums will fetch you leads. Communication helps in bridging the gap between your product and the audience. Once you master this skill, no one can stop you from becoming an entrepreneur. Here are some of the ways that can help you to master the communication skill.

  • Read books for atleast 30 minutes a day.
  • Write a minimum of 500 words a day.
  • Listen to podcasts.
  • Watch English movies or sitcoms like The Office, Silicon Valley, etc.

“Learning Mandarin and English is the need of an hour”

6. Future of Digital Marketing

Marketing will not die until there is a solution to the need. And as marketing will stay so digital marketing is. Many people have shifted their careers into digital marketing as there is a lot of demand. Once you know the real tactics of marketing your future is bright.

“Marketing + Technology = Digital Marketing”

7. Integrated Digital Marketing

Integrated digital marketing was very well explained by DigitalDeepak. Considering every component of digital marketing first and foremost is content marketing.

Integrated Digital Marketing
  • Upload the content on the internet (Content marketing).
  • Get organic results from search engines (SEO).
  • Getting results from social media sites by sharing on Fb, Instagram, etc (SMM).
  • Collecting leads from different sources and building an email list (E-mail marketing).
  • Advertising on Google, Facebook, Instagram (Paid Advertising).
  • Get maximum traffic on your content and monetize (Sell and convert).

8. Selecting a Niche

Deepak is passionate about bikes and that gave him a push to start a motorcycle blog. But it was not just a passion, he actually researched the market opportunity in this field.

“Passion+market opportunity+talent = Good niche”

Selecting a niche

If you have a passion for something, do it regularly. Consistency is the key to success. Once you are consistent you will enjoy doing it. After some time, you will be mastered in that particular field and you will start taking more interest in it that it will help you to earn. The 3 major niches that you can focus on is Health, Money, Relationships, and Fashion(optional). Finally, the niche you are selecting must convert leads into paying customers. To find the best market demands, the below-mentioned are the tools you can use.

9. Building a personal brand

I can proudly say DigitalDeepak is one of the top 5 digital marketers in India. This is because he always posted content without fear. You should not hesitate to post your content. The more focus was on standing out from the crowd. Don’t fit-in if you want to make something huge.

“The best known will always beat the best”

Your character and personality will help you to reach more and more audience. People will more likely to connect with you when you showcase them your skills. In the new era, rather than brands speaking out, people are more connecting with people. And this is the main reason why influencer marketing has moved ahead of all. Focus on owning the internet. Make different forms of content and post it on different platforms. Personal branding has helped many people to gain business and make profits.

10. Building sales funnel

Funnel is basically catching a lead, nurturing it and getting converted to a paying customer. All this happens within a funnel. But to convert the customer there are some steps that you need to follow.

Sales Funnel
  • Do free stuff like blogging, speaking at events, ebooks, videos, etc to get the attention of leads. This is the start of your funnel.
  • Then it comes to audience building. Whether you want to build an email list, get a phone number or social media followers building the audience is important.
  • The next step would be engaging or nurturing the audience. The best strategies for this would be drip marketing, re-marketing, lead magnets, group engagements, webinars, etc. Show social proof to the customers.
  • Finally, its time for your sales pitch. Grab the opportunity and sell your product or service. A good sales pitch will always get good returns.

The funnels are nowadays automated. So you don’t have to stick every time to your customers to nurture them. Automated emails are the key.

These top 10 marketing fundamentals are the basics to get started in any business. And I am sure you will not get these things to learn in any of the online or offline courses. Finally, a freebie was waiting for me. And I would really thank DigitalDeepak as he gave The Startup Course 2.0 by YourStory absolutely free (actual price $99).

I will be uploading insights of future classes. Till then, stay tuned.


Shubham Dongre



Shubham Dongre

Marketing Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Sales Funnel Builder